The daemon cron automatically updates itself every 1 minute (assuming the cron service is running). Cron searches its spool directory "/var/spool/cron/crontabs" for new files named after user accounts in the file "/etc/passwd", then loads those new rules into memory. Users are not allowed to directly modify cron's spool. Users are supposed to modify one or more of cron's writable scheduling files and directories: "/etc/crontab", "/etc/cron.hourly", "/etc/cron.daily", "/etc/cron.weekly", "/etc/cron.monthly", and "/etc/cron.d". Access to those files and directories are controlled by entries added and removed from cron's access control lists.
Cron uses the writable scheduling file "/etc/crontab" to allow applications finer scheduling control than what the scheduling directories "/etc/cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,monthly}" can provide. Most system administrators use the file "/etc/crontab" to schedule when the files within the directories "/etc/cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,monthly} should be ran. The writable scheduling directories "/etc/cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,monthly}" are for running commands and scripts of specified entries at specific times on specific days. The writable scheduling directory "/etc/cron.d" runs commands and scripts of specified entries at specific times throughout the day. All new entries in cron's scheduling files and directories must follow the naming convention used by the command "run-parts".
If cron's access control lists, "cron.allow" and "cron.deny", are found in the directory "/etc/" then they're used to restrict access to user accounts listed in those files. The access control list "/etc/cron.allow" has precedence over the file "/etc/cron.deny". However, if one or both of its access control lists are missing then the files that are missing are ignored.
For example, in my last post titled "TCP/UDP Whitelist Connection Script," I mentioned using cron to run the bash script "" every couple of minutes to close active TCP/UDP servers and connections unknown to the user; to do that add a new file to the directory "/etc/cron.d".
1. Create a file named "whitelist" in the directory "/etc/cron.d":
touch /etc/cron.d/whitelist && chmod 644 /etc/cron.d/whitelist;
2. Edit the file "/etc/cron.d/whitelist" to include the following lines:
# Cron job for bash script Run script every 2 mintues.
# min [0-59] hour [0-23] day of month [1-31] month [1-12] day of week [1-7] command
*/2 * * * * /home/username/
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